
Meet our Mindfulness coach… Sheila Ryan!

The world before the pandemic seems like such a different place, however for the LOVELIVE team there has been one continuous presence before, during and after – mindfulness coach, Sheila Ryan.

Sheila has been working in the mindfulness sector for close to a decade, creating and delivering bespoke company wellbeing initiatives. She is also a certified Mindfulness in Schools Project (MiSP) Paws b teacher with extensive experience of delivering programmes in the primary school setting as well as taster sessions for teenagers.

LOVELIVE Managing Directors Kim Collier and James Gibson were introduced to Sheila through a ‘Mindfulness in the Workplace’ programme hosted by Macclesfield Chamber of Commerce back in 2019, and, impressed with her sessions, decided it would be the perfect fit for the team. In October 2020 she ran a 6-week introductory course, which then subsequently led to regular in-house sessions the following February.

Her Mindfulness Thursdays now take place bi-weekly, and she has been guiding the LOVELIVE team through 30-minute sessions incorporating a range of practices and approaches to developing present moment awareness. This has helped to promote clearer thinking, increased productivity and stronger relationships both inside and outside of the office.

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 and their theme of ‘anxiety’ Sheila held a session on how we can help our own emotions while helping others and we’re pleased to share with you her thoughts on this often confusing and taboo subject…

“Some degree of worry is normal. Worrying about things that are out of our control or threaten the status quo is an inherent part of being human. However, when anxiety escalates to the point where it impacts our relationships, health and daily life; we feel a persistent level of unease; our coping mechanisms are ineffective, or even unhealthy; or we experience distress, it is important to address it. In this situation, various evidenced-based treatments are available to help you:

The role that mindfulness meditation can play in dealing with our anxieties is twofold.

First, through noticing thoughts, emotions and sensations we gain insight into the unhelpful thought patterns and behaviours we have developed to cope with or suppress our worries, such as:

  • Bottling up
  • Reasoning
  • Distracting
  • Avoidance
  • Positive thinking.

Second, through practicing present moment awareness, we strengthen our tolerance of uncertainty. The body scan, (please follow the link and click on the ‘Resources’ tab) a core mindfulness practice, shifts us from the ‘doing mind’ to the ‘being mind’, thus bringing us into the present through compassionate awareness. The practice of grounding is also effective in bringing you into the present through paying attention with the senses. Remember, with any mindfulness practice an attitude of kindness, curiosity and non-judgement is encouraged.”

If you would like to learn more about Sheila and her ‘Mindfulness in the Workplace’ programmes visit: